The local JWs refuse to preach there!!!
If that is truly the case, they must not have much confidence in Jehovah's ability to protect them against "evil spirit forces" while they do his work in that town.
there's a wonderful channel called "the blue envelope" and the vlogger does exjw topics, oftentimes from a very interesting and unusual perspective.
a real treasure - he's a nerd's nerd!.
anyway this ones subject is the western new york connection with jws.
The local JWs refuse to preach there!!!
If that is truly the case, they must not have much confidence in Jehovah's ability to protect them against "evil spirit forces" while they do his work in that town.
◄ joshua 10:11 ►.
and it came to pass, as they fled from before israel, and were in the going down to bethhoron, that the lord cast down great stones from heaven on them to azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of israel slew with the sword.. .
looks like the amorites came to the battle only wearing helmets.
With jehober fighting for and protecting the Israelites plus all the natural elements, like hail stones, etc., at their disposal, why the f*ck did they need nearly a million man army? lol
Why did he need an army period and why did he need to send stones flying from heaven? Was he just having a little fun with the Amorites? After all, in Egypt he had a single angel do all the necessary killing in one night.
◄ joshua 10:11 ►.
and it came to pass, as they fled from before israel, and were in the going down to bethhoron, that the lord cast down great stones from heaven on them to azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of israel slew with the sword.. .
looks like the amorites came to the battle only wearing helmets.
and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
This is one of those stories that makes no mention of how many Israelites were killed in the process and leads the reader to assume that none were.
I guess the Bible authors thought the Amorite soldiers were just naked in the field.
Not quite naked...they were wearing helmets and yellow skirts (apparently even they knew that a vertically striped skirt would be more flattering than a horizontally striped one).
this guy was not a born in and did not really work his way up from the very bottom.
he kind of got some kind of fast track.
its a bit strange.
Those who became JW's as adults have a different mentality than those who were raised in it. I'm guessing that since TM wasn't raised as a JW and was in the military, he didn't have all of the take charge and cut throat drive systematically bred out of him. Quite the opposite...he was likely encouraged to plow right over everyone to get what he wanted in life and likely found it quite easy to employ the skills he learned in the "world" to plow ahead of all the sheeplike born in's, once he got a foot in the door. I'm sure S. Lett and the others are quite impressed by him and like the good JW boys they were raised to be, defer to him in every way.
this from j.w survey :. knew they did this to a degree, but this is a blatant way of siphoning money to where the leaders want it, with no control, no transparency, and no way for anyone to be able to see where it has gone.
jehovah’s witness uk headquarters dissolves kingdom hall charities, seizes full control of property and finances.
I' m guessing that this change WILL make life for the Elders easier in terms of government forms and accounting but it will also make it easier for the"society" to sell individual Halls as they see fit, as well. They can do so more directly now without the formality of having to make it seem as if the local congregations have any real say in the matter and it will eliminate the risk of having another Menlo Park situation.
I'm not sure this will have a big impact on JW's in terms of seeing red flags. It seems to me that most of them are proud to be followers and take pride in being easily led. They view the money they donate and the time they spend working on Kingdom Halls as being for the overall "advancement of Jehovah's Kingdom" rather than being for their own benefit. They don't have a problem when they work on a building and then it's later sold for profit, they view this as a good thing since the profit can be used to "advance the kingdom interests and they were glad to do their part.
We know this new plan is "all of a piece" however they'll only see these changes individually rather than as part of an overall scheme that's being set in motion, so they won't have a problem with it. It's only when they start having to drive long distances because their Hall was sold, that they'll begin to wonder what's going on. Even then, they won't question out loud, as that wouldn't be sheeplike. They aren't suspicious of the GB the way we are suspicious of the Government. They aren't concerned about anyone profiting individually.
The problem I have with this new plan is that JW's aren't given enough information so as to see the big picture. It seems to me that the Governing Body doesn't view the average JW as being capable of understanding such matters and or they simply don't want the plain folk getting in their way with their annoying amateurish questions and petty local concerns. They don't want the individual JW getting involved with the details. Just give us your money and we'll handle the rest. I think most JW's are happy to be able to sit back and not be concerned with such matters and have a safe feeling that they are being looked after and by doing so, they are that much closer to everlasting life.
its not just x jws but religious people in general.
they feel free to post this crap on the internet about jesus is lord share this post, or some drivel but then if you post any thing that questions it you get jumped on like someone saying the earth is a globe at a flat earth convention.
they can say what ever they want but don't dare question it.
During all the last U.S. election craziness , a JW relative made a Facebook post about how stupid the government is and how much we need Jehovah to step in and put and end to them.
I made a comment agreeing that the election nonsense was getting tiresome . I also commented that although there are a lot of problems that need to be resolved, I'm glad there are those who take charge and keep trying because although things aren't perfect, things do go reasonably well for most people, most of the time. We have schools, paved roads, police and fire protection, grocery stores filled with foods from around the world, hot and cold fresh running water 24/7 etc. If it were up to most of us, we'd have none of those things and there'd be utter chaos.
Even though I said nothing religious or untrue, they immediately unfriended us from both Facebook and Instagram because I dared to contradicted their "everything is a disaster and must be eliminated " JW narrative.
aren't they tiring out from saying this now?.
a jobo pimi-lite i know has a terminal illness (no names, no pack drill), was told, 'hold on, the end is so close.
the pimi-lite said they will need to hold on to their 'go bags(tm), then!.
Throw in the recent Corona Virus and a couple of earthquakes and the old end of day mental programing, kicks in.
It reminds me of when you're thinking of buying a red Ford truck (for example), or a friend of yours gets a yellow Volkswagen and suddenly you start seeing them everywhere. It's not that suddenly there are more red Fords or yellow Volkswagens on the road, it's just that for survival reason your subconscious is wired to see patterns and it gathers information that supports pre-existing fear based beliefs or views.
In other words..."Confirmation Bias".
For JW's (and former JW's) , years of systematic programing turns otherwise isolated weather, geological and societal occurrences, into omens linked to a global catastrophe, even though it never arrives.
the watchtower doesn't hold out any hope for us ever seeing our beloved animals again.
i find it very difficult to believe that god -- a god of love -- would refuse to resurrect an animal that we had become so attached to.
over the years i have bonded with no less than four (4) dogs, all of which were/are like family to me.
And he proceeded to open his Bible and read the verse in Psalms about God opening his hand and supplying everyone's heart's desire.
You should have asked him what would happen if your hearts desire was to have 70 virgins.
singapore is a tiny, beautiful and economically powerful country in se asia.
all religions are allowed there except the jehaovah's witnesses and another christian denomination.
jws are banned because they don’t serve the military and all singapore citizens are required to serve in the military for a while.. the jws are banned in singapore since 1972. .
They do that public caning thing where you bend over and some martial arts guy takes a large bamboo thing and beats you butt until it bleeds, and then beats it some more, depending on how many strokes the judge charged you to get.Just a bit scary but I would still like to see the country.
We could do with more people in our society who are scared of the consequences their actions bring. What we are doing right now obviously isn't working and it costs society a lot of money in terns of housing criminals and undoing the damage they do.
In terms of the ban on JW's in sounds like Jehovah needs to make with the frogs, locusts and bloody rivers like he did in Egypt when Pharaoh wouldn't let his people go.
well, here we go with "dracula" again!
( massimo introvigne).. .
breaking: jehovah's witnesses have hired known cult apologist massimo introvigne to write a 21-page "expert opinion" defending the witnesses for their child abuse mishandling.